Natural Benefits
Wool is an incredibly versatile fibre that offers many natural benefits which make it a great choice for a wide range of applications. Wool truly excels in the modern world as a biodegradable, ethical and environmentally friendly fibre.
Wool is grown on sheep that roam freely in their natural environment, needing only sunshine and grass to prosper.
Unlike synthetic man-made fibres made from unsustainable and non-renewable resources such as oil, gas and coal, wool is 100% natural.
Sheep grow a new fleece every year. A totally renewable fibre. Sheep are shorn annually for animal welfare reasons, which amongst other things encourages mother and lamb bonding.
Wool is biodegradable and under the right conditions it naturally disintegrates on the land or in our marine environment through a biological process.
Ethical Fibre
Wool is an ethical fibre. It has served our planet well since the Bronze Age. Wool does not enter the food chain unlike plastic microfibres made from petrochemicals.

Wool & The Carbon Cycle
Carbon is the cornerstone of life on earth. When you invest in wool, you are investing in life, and the recycling of life. Sheep consume biogenic carbon when they eat the grass they live on. 40% of the weight of wool is made of carbon which readily biodegrades at the end of its life, and returns to the earth's soil where it will be recycled into the next life. The International Wool Texture Organisation represents the interests of the global wool trade to promote a sustainable future for wool.
Life Cycle Analysis
LCA assesses the environmental impact of products, processes and services. Significant research has been performed to measure wools end of life impact, and wool is considered very low when compared to other fibres.
Farming Standards
New Zealand sheep farmers comply with some of the highest land and environmental standards in the world.
Animal Welfare
Rules and regulations around animal welfare are closely monitored and farmers are independently audited. New Zealand is the first country in the world to ban the practice of mulesing.
PGG Wrightson’s Wool Integrity programme has full visibility back to the farm of origin, and throughout the supply chain.

Technical Benefits
Natural Air Filter
Wool is non-allergenic and does not promote the growth of bacteria, mould or mildew which can irritate the respiratory system. Wool acts as a natural filter, trapping allergens within carpets, rugs and bedding products. Properly maintained wool products have positive health benefits.
Heat + Moisture Regulating
Wool is an active fibre. It is a natural dehumidifier and it reacts to changes in temperature. It absorbs moisture in humid conditions and releases warm air when it is cooler.
Fire Retardant
Wool products are naturally fire retardant because of wool's high protein and moisture content. Wool will not melt with bellowing black toxic fumes unlike plastic man-made fibres made out of petro-chemicals.
Acoustic Qualities
Wool absorbs sound and is a great acoustic buffer.
Static Resistant
The natural moisture in wool carpets prevents the build-up of static.

Health Benefits
Voc Benefits - Volatile Organic Compounds
VOC’s are harmful chemicals that vaporise in the air causing indoor air pollution. They can cause health issues such as respiratory problems, headaches, dizziness and allergies. Wool has the natural ability to absorb harmful chemicals such as strong smelling colourless gases from the indoor atmosphere. Modern buildings are better insulated than older ones, therefore they are trapping more air inside our homes and buildings. High VOC levels are generally caused by materials such as paint, glue, cabinetry, vinyl, hard flooring, varnish, car exhausts, etc.
Safe For Babies + Pets
Natural warmth and softness makes wool bedding products, wool furnishings and floor coverings great for babies and pets. Wool is naturally soft and springy, and made with no harmful chemicals.
The texture and structure of a wool fibre creates superior surface friction particularly in floor coverings.
Regulates Temperature
Wool helps the body regulate temperature by insulating from the cold and dissipating heat. Perfect for a good night’s sleep.
Wool is a durable, resilient fibre that is resistant to moisture, soiling, compression and is comfortable in all seasons.
Odour resistant
Wool is naturally odour resistant.